Thursday, November 13, 2008

Small business Lending

Looking to sell your Business? Looking to buy a business? Looking to fund the acquisition of a business?

Perhaps with Paulsens trashing of TARP and taking those dollars scheduled to go for foeclosures and earmarking them for banks instead, just maybe we can see a loosening of credit in this country.. The SBA must free up dollars now for acquistion of small businesses.. We have folks who want to buy and folks who want to sell their business and there will be no deals without our credit markets working freeely...

For those with experience in the industry that they are looking to buy into, those with good credit and a down payment of 25 to 30 percent , there is good news !! There are banks in the Pacific Northwest who have money to lend and are lending ... Call me Scott Lofgren 360-606-3504
If you have a business to sell that has 3 years of verifiable income and EBITDA of $60,000 to $5million.. We have buyers and lenders to get deals done NOW !!!

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